Citizens are also apparently forced to wear identical blue denim boiler suits, and women have their hair cut short. In an attempt to prevent tightly knit communities and organizations of any kind from forming, the Civil Protection authorities transfer Citizens from one city to another as many as three times a year. Civil Protection officers themselves are encouraged to undergo transhuman surgery to join the ranks of the Overwatch. Citizens are encouraged to join Civil Protection by promises of better rations. Comments made by Citizen onlookers seem to suggest this is a regular occurrence. As seen in Half-Life 2's first chapter, Point Insertion, Civil Protection officers sometimes stage raids on residential buildings to arrest and imprison alleged rebels and sympathizers. Civil Protection officers are feared for their brutality, as they often bully Citizens and administer beatings at the slightest provocation. Staffed by unmodified humans, as opposed to the transhuman Overwatch, Civil Protection acts as the Combine's police force and handles the affairs of policing and monitoring the populace in the cities. The Combine also established the Civil Protection force. The Combine also erected a Suppression Field, to prevent procreation. These new "Citizens" of the Combine's empire are provided with accommodation, rations and protection from the Xen aliens that infest much of the world. The remaining population was rounded up into the still-standing cities, which were re-designated with numbers instead of names ( 14, 17, etc.). Example: play npc/metropolice/mc1que.After a successful invasion, the Combine began to establish their dictatorship over the Earth, creating Overwatch Soldiers from human soldiers captured during the Seven Hour War. These are the sounds from the HL2 Beta which can be used for example in Half-Life 2 Roleplay. Pack includes models from Half-life 2 Beta concept arts. It took some time but I finally pieced toghether what is most of the beta combine soldiers from the Half-Life 2 leak and RTB. Includes eight models made by The_Funktasm based off of concept art from Rasing the Bar and a fixed version of the soldier from the leak. Its back, in Garry's Mod! How many models are in HL2 beta collection?Ī pack of nine Hl2 beta combine player models. The Combine Super Soldier or Combine Elite Synth soldier from the HL2 Beta was removed early in the beta and never made it to Half-Life 2. Is the Combine super soldier in Half Life 2? A pack of nine Hl2 beta combine player models. Frequently Asked Questions How many Combine soldier skins are there in HL2?Ģ reskins of the Combine Soldier NPC, utilizing the 2003 and the (newly uncovered) 2002 Combine Soldier skins! They can both be spawned from the "Combine" tab under NPCs.