Changed Perry's expedition localization text to be more clear how to end the war without enforcing the add_to_sphere CB. Vorarlberg event chain for a dismantled Austria by - #70. Fort positions fix by - integrates and closes #106. Changed Orissa's colour so it's not exactly the same as Nejd. These cultures will also be lost as accepted when these territories are given home rule. When becoming England, the UK will lose Anglo-Canadian and Australian as accepted. Minor changes to provinces in Anatolia by to better reflect historical borders. Should avoid the problems were changing tags while the government decisions is "on" made it impossible to pick government decisions. Picking government decisions shouldn't block other players from picking it anymore. Fix to a vanilla bug that made newly released countries like Oman, Sudan or CSA that had slavery lose random slave states.
Fix to a vanilla bug that could cause CBs to be invalidated depending on armies sieging your capital. During the Anglo-Sikh war, AI UK-allied countries that are not part of the Indian subcontinent should now drop from the war without prejudice to their alliance with the UK. Small changes to provinces in the Austrian empire to guarantee they do not start with unemployment. They've been opened up to any SP or GP past a certain date if they own the correct provinces/have the right techs. Cleanup to the Conquest of the Chaco/Desert decisions. Changed the requirement for building the Panama canal from the TNT invention to the "Drilling and Blasting" tech to avoid the invention's conditions delaying the construction of the canal. Again, this is all a temporary solution until I fix the mess over Austrian cores. If Austria has Bohemia/Sudetes/Lower Silesia cores when the event fires, Germany should get these as cores (and inherit them). Made a few tweaks to the order of the released countries. Fix for Greater Germany events not distributing provinces to existing countries - they will do it now. Fix Fort position in Niigata so they do not overlap with Sado.
From #97 by Tweaks for the Zanzibar cores #101 and Alaskan Frontier decision #102 by Fixes to the Life Rating visual scale and to several graphics #107 by Fixes for potential problems if a country was somehow stuck with the lacks_writing_system modifier by - #105 Fixed to Welsh Liberal party early end date.Fix for New Zealand not having a socialist party until late in the game.Minor flips to state borders to help the AI.