The newest video gives a look at customization, executions, and even the new mode Team Deathmatch, all of which Game Rant experienced first hand when we dominated the recent Gears of War 3 beta tournament. This new trailer goes into detail about some of the new executions and online modes that people have to look forward to in Gears of War 3, and rest assured that these executions are gruesome, yet sadistically satisfying. When Epic Games released a new game trailer detailing a developer's view of a few of the new mechanics in Gears 3, fans have every reason to get excited. Since they've put an immense amount of effort into making Gears of War 3 the best Gears game yet, some people have been curious as to what the developers have spent all of this time creating. The fine folks at Epic Games have been hard at work, making sure that the beta launches without a hitch. The Gears of War 3 beta will soon be available to the masses (who purchased the Bulletstorm Epic Edition) in less than a week, and anticipation for the beta, as well as the full game have started to reach a fever pitch.